Chuck Magazine Presents:
On American Iconography
On American Iconography
Novemeber 24th - December 24th
Chuck Magazine is an American born innovation on what a legacy magazine can mean for its audience. Through the organization of a visual art show in collaboration with Danny First, Chuck Magazine curates to platform the language of American iconography through an exhibition of painting and photography. This is the language that shapes the view of our country, and in turn, how we view ourselves.
We brought together these four artists who each have their own unique relationship to the iconographic visual language that signifies American history, innovation, design, and cultural significance. The works visualize how the nature of that language shapes the modern American experience.
Artists: Gem Hale, Michael McGregor, Matt McCormick, and Julian Pace.
Gem Hale
‘Untitled 1’
(24” x 18”, Digital ink print)
‘Untitled 2’
(24” x 18”, Digital ink print)
‘Untitled (NY MAG November 25, 1974)’
(28” x 22”, Oil and oil stick on canvas)
‘Dead End’
(24” x 18”, Acrylic and oil stick on canvas)
Julian Pace
(5.5” x 3.5”, (Frame: 11” x 13”) Pencil and gouache on paper)